Our Committee
The committee oversees and guides the management and direction of the preschool.
Participating in the management committee is a great way to become involved with the program and practice of your child’s preschool and provides you with the opportunity to develop new skills in communication and management, not to mention joining a social group that supplies support to your preschool educators.
You can contribute as much or as little as you are able including your time, ideas, enthusiasm and imagination.
We are a not for profit association and registered charity. All parents and carers of enrolled children are association members. The committee represents the association. We rely absolutely on family members past and present to be part of managing and guiding us where we need to go. We cannot operate without a committee.
Committee members are elected at the Annual General Meeting held in late March each year. Executive positions include President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer plus ordinary committee members. All parents and carers are invited to attend meetings as they are able.